Our global team of experts will ensure your UBO compliance is efficient, consistent, and compliant across all your locations.
The UBO service is a service that provides beneficial ownership information on companies and other legal entities.. The UBO is the person who has ultimate control over the entity, even if that person is not the legal owner.
The beneficial owner of a company is the natural person or persons who ultimately own or control the company. The beneficial owner(s) of a company can be its shareholders, its members, or its management.
The concept of beneficial ownership is important because it is the ultimate test of who really owns or controls a company. This is especially relevant in the case of companies that are owned or controlled by trusts, holding companies, or other legal entities.
The term “ultimate beneficial owner” is sometimes used to describe the natural person or persons who ultimately own or control a company. However, the term is not always used in this way. For example, the term may be used to describe the natural person or persons who ultimately own or control a trust.
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